Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When We Are Overwhelmed, Then What?

I woke up in the early hours feeling overwhelmed spiritually. I know I have responsibilities and expectations God Himself has given me. And those spiritual responsibilities have naturally overflowed into the my physical life. Family, friends and acquaintances with their fears, hurts and needs are involved. Then, on top of that, the world in which we live seems to be out of control. What do we do? How do we pray?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed in life? Do any of my struggles sound familiar? It happens to me often. And when it happens, sometimes waking me from sleep, I must be honest with God, and seek Him. I pray and turn to His Word.

I sought Him in the early morning hours. As I prayed I needed to know that what I heard was from God Himself. I asked for His help, and I waited for Him to defeat the enemies of my battle--the fear and doubt that had awakened me. He spoke to me through His Word and said, "Don't be afraid.... Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." (2 Kings 6:16) I wanted to be closer to Him so I could hear more.

The king of Aram, Israels enemy, had sent a large company of his army to Dothan to capture Elisha, God's prophet. With these words, Elisha was assuring his young servant that he had nothing to fear. He then prayed that the servant could see the spiritual forces God had provided for the battle. God answered and the servant saw chariots and horses of fire all around Elisha.

Are you a servant of God? Do you have spiritual enemies that seek to defeat you? God is the same today as He was in Elisha's day. He will do battle for you. Just trust Him and obey Him.

"Lord, give your servants of this day spiritual eyes that we may see the great forces or our Lord doing battle in this day of doubt. Send a revival to your people. Provide these things that we might glorify you in our lives. Amen."

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