Some of these "controllers" are simply straightforward in their "guidance," often coming across harsh, overpowering and demanding. Others are subtle, making "suggestions" and giving hints that are so well-stated that they manipulate by the guilt and shame. They are skilled and crafty as they inflict their poisonous control.
Those who want to control you will often preface their demands with, "If you would just do what I say, everything will be just fine," or "This is what you need to do." They say or imply things like, "I know what's best for you." They want to run "your show" with rules, demands and expectations, often tapping into your emotions for that extra twist. A little word to "persuade" you to do what they want, providing a dose of guilt if you don't, is a major weapon in their arsenal. They may even blame your lack of response for making them "feel bad" in some way. You suddenly become responsible for their "happiness and contentment" if you don't perform as expected. The Pharisees of Jesus' day were good at it. In the name of religion they controlled and manipulated people with laws, rules and expectations never intended by God. The people were burdened because of the harassment of those who "knew what was best for them." Do you do that with anyone?
The Bible teaches us that no one has the right to your life but you and God: you, because God has given it to you, and God, because Jesus has paid the price for your ransom. The result of keeping your life to yourself is devastating. Your sin actually puts Satan in control, who then can claim your life for eternity. But to give your life to Jesus brings abundant life. He will safely deliver you to the Father and a home in His kingdom forever.
"When [Jesus] saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." (Mt. 9:36, NIV)
Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Mt. 11:28, NIV)
By giving our lives to God and living for Him, we can leave the lives of others to them. And, who knows? As we find rest, others may follow our example.
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