Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why Should I Feel Discouraged?

God makes it very clear. His Word says, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through Him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God. (2 Cor. 1:20, NIV) What more could we ask? Every promise God has made to us has a "pre-stamped" answer: "Yes! In Jesus' name." God has ordained it. Why should I feel discouraged when He has already promised His promises?

Now, we have a decision to make:

1) Do you accept this "promise of promises" unconditionally, and will you let God prove Himself? If you do, it will require that you do a "faithfulness check" of our own life. Are you living as if you believe as you say you do? Where you stand now, believer, is in the midst of opportunities that may not be comfortable, preferable, or desirable. Do you think God has not placed you here for a purpose. He has put you there to see if you will be faithful to your opportunity of service. Do not run from it. He has already answered His promises with a "Yes" to assure success and victory "right where you are." Don't think it will be any different for you somewhere else. Victory is not a matter of our circumstances, it is a matter of our hearts. His promises are for you, where you are now.

2) Do you accept this promise, but with certain conditions and limitations you have placed on God? He will not accept your conditions. You must measure up to His. Our failures in our service for Him are due to our failing to discover, accept and follow through with His promises. James said, essentially, "Sure you pray, and you do not receive what you pray for. Why is that? It is because you pray with your heart set on the wrong thing. You have wrong motives. You are looking for your own desires to be met instead of God's will to be done." (Personal paraphrase. See James 4:3) His promises are not for our selfish pleasure, but for His kingdom work.

If you choose this way, what difference is there, when it comes to accomplishing God's will, in your life and the person who simply does not believe? When it comes to effectiveness for the kingdom of God, there is no difference. Neither is productive. But God's Word points out a great difference in character. It calls such people "lukewarm." (see Revelation 3:15 ff) And He treats the "lukewarm" differently than He does the "cold." The "cold" have hope. The vast difference can help them hear God. The "lukewarm," however, have chosen to dwell in deeper blindness; and in that valley of shadows, there is less hope. The "appearance" of good tends to blinds them to the truth of God.

3) Do you just refuse His activity in your life, accepting none of His promises? If so, you are to be pitied, for His promises are the only way to life for eternity. They bring the purpose to your life that you have longed for. The reality of God, and the abundance of life that He brings are in His promises... and the answer to each one has already been given. It is "YES!" Don't let the work of the "lukewarm" Christian lead you down their paths. Don't listen to a voice that will lead you away from God. Trust God. Focus on Him.

Look back at your life. Does failure and disappointment seem to follow you wherever you go? It will continue to do so until you accept His offer. If you haven't trusted Him for salvation, today you can. If you have, trust the rest of His promises. There is where you will find your victory. Now is your best time. Search out His promises and trust Him. Christian, He puts you in the midst of difficulty desiring that you find victory where you are. Wonder no further. Answer your discouragement with His promises.

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